EVG 3D panel structure
EVG 3D panel is usually a 3 layer(welded mesh + EPS core +welded mesh) sandwich wall panel,welded together by galvanized steel diagonals(trusses) which penetrate through the EPS core.The panels are joined in the desired configuration on site and sprayed with concrete to form a sandwich type constructure.
Sometimes while we applied shotcrete, the EPS panel shakes left and right. In order to avoid this situation, we can put another layer galvanzied welded mesh near the EPS core.
Vertical type EVG 3D panel machine can make both normal type EVG 3D wall panel and special type- 3 layer 3D panels.
Strength and rigidity of tridi panel from the diagonal truss wire welded to the cover welded mesh on each side of the welded mesh panel combined with the concrete layers.
EVG 3D panel building system provides a robust system that has a high resistance to hard and soft body impacts. EVG 3D panel building will remain durable and serviceable for at least 50 years.
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